CLEAR’s podcast is a resource in the field of professional and occupational regulation to help stakeholders stay current on new developments and hear diverse opinions on a broad range of topics. 1) CLEAR is a place for novel, thoughtful, non-partisan debate, undertaken inclusively and respectfully. Those who contribute to the debate speak in their own capacity, and do not necessarily represent the view(s) of CLEAR. 2) CLEAR provides a space in which contentious issues can be safely and respectfully discussed, grounded in a sound body of professional regulatory knowledge. 3) Acting in the public interest, regulations, and the views of regulators and the wider public, evolve over time. Discussions at CLEAR reflect this evolution of thinking, encompassing a wide variety of considered opinion. Music clips: ”Someone Else” by Full Power Music, licensed through Adobe Stock

Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Episode 19: Addressing Mental Health Concerns in the Investigative Process
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Mental health is a far-reaching issue in society and has numerous implications for professional regulation. Mark Pioro and Jenna Smith with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario and Dean Benard with Benard & Associates explore the issue of accommodating mental health in the regulatory investigations process. They discuss the relevance of mental health to the work of a front-line regulatory investigator, issues that can arise when a participant in the investigation has a mental health challenge or condition, legal principles that apply to these situations, and strategies regulators or investigators can adopt to resolve dilemmas and accommodate individuals dealing with mental health difficulties during the investigation process. This podcast episode is a lead-in to a session at CLEAR's Annual Educational Conference, September 18-21, 2019 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, that will further explore case studies and strategies.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860612) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
The approach that regulators have taken regarding social media has evolved over the years, with more regulators conducting social media searches on applicants during the licensing process. Information found on social media can be used to aid an investigation, and the number of investigations that are centered on regulated professionals' misuse of social media has increased. How does this influence public confidence in regulators, and how do regulators take into account public expectations? How do regulators handle social media evidence and commentary during prosecutions? This podcast episode is a lead-in to a session at CLEAR's Annual Educational Conference, September 18-21, 2019 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, that will further explore the utility, legality and practicalities of relying on non-traditional sources of information, such as online and social media content, both in the registration process and investigations.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860608) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Episode 17: Role of a Content Developer in Licensing Exams
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Sarah Wennik, content development manager with Pearson VUE and chair of CLEAR's Examination Resources and Advisory Committee, talks about what a content developer is; how their role differs from the role of a psychometrician; the skills needed to be a successful content developer; and examples of the tasks a content developer is responsible, working in partnership with psychometricians, subject matter experts and test sponsors.
A session at the 2019 CLEAR Annual Educational Conference will address further details about remediating test items with poor statistical performance and give attendees a chance to take on the role of a content developer and work on example items.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860601) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Bill Brigman with Solutions for Information Design, Michael Behm with Stateside, and Sara Appel with the Multi-state Collaborative on Military Credit share updates on various programs, initiatives and legislation to aid service members in transitioning to civilian careers through credentialing and military credit opportunities. They discuss the COOL programs, recognition of equivalent military training, licensure fee reductions or waivers, licensure compacts, Pathways legislation, licensure endorsement and temporary licenses for military spouses, applying military training toward college credit, and career readiness programs.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860599) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Episode 15: Guidelines for Working with Subject Matter Experts
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Elizabeth Witt, chief consultant and psychometrician with Witt Measurement Consulting, talks about what a subject matter expert (SME) is; the role of SMEs in job analysis, standard setting, and item writing; qualifications of an SME; SME recruitment; and communication with SMEs. She gives advice on how to ensure that SMEs are engaged and how to handle challenges involved in managing SMEs.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860590) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Episode 14: Perspectives on Practitioner Substance Abuse and Regulation
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Donna Mooney Haywood, retired manager of regulatory affairs at the North Carolina Board of Nursing, shares her perspective, gained from 30+ years of regulatory experience, about substance abuse by licensed healthcare practitioners. She discusses the higher standard to which licensees are held, her views on alternative to discipline programs, and the difference in approach to handling practitioners misusing prescription drugs versus street drugs.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860586) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
The College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba undertook research on practice hours, or currency hours, to determine any correlation between practice hours and continuing competence. Deb Elias discusses the research methodology, the findings and interest in future collaborative research. This podcast episode is related to a CLEAR Resource Brief, "Establishing Evidence for Regulatory Policies: A Method and Case Example," by Deb Elias, Jill Tomasson and Leanne Worsfold.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860583) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Monday Jan 07, 2019
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Douglas Bilton, Assistant Director of Standards and Policy with the Professional Standards Authority in the UK, shares current research interests at the PSA. He discusses PSA's goal of linking the academic world and the world of regulatory practice to encourage research that helps to establish professional regulation as an evidence-led area of public policy. Recent and current research topics include applying the concept of Counterproductive Work Behaviour to help understand why healthcare professionals sometimes don't follow standards, creating a risk calculator to advise on the right form of regulation or alternatives to regulation, and researching the idea of constructive distrust to determine what makes patients feel comfortable or inhibited about playing a part in their own care.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860577) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Episode 11: Finding Opportunities to Tell Your Agency Story – Marketing Tips
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Griffin Pritchard, public information specialist with the Alabama Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, provides some tips on finding opportunities to tell your agency story in a new way to your audience. He discusses targeting your message to different audiences, leveraging branded merchandise, communicating via social media, and developing strategies for boards with a small staff or small budget.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860575) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts

Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Episode 10: The Scope of Regulation – Can the Boundaries Be Stretched?
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Andrew Charnock, Chief Executive and Registrar at the Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand, looks at the factors that conform or restrict the governance scope and practice of regulation. He considers the questions of whether regulatory legislation is too cumbersome for regulation today and whether regulators should align their strategies around their country's major strategies, for example, health regulators alignment with health and health workforce strategies. This podcast episode is a lead-up to a session at CLEAR's Regional Symposium, November 29-30, 2018 in Wellington, New Zealand.
Transcript: html (https://www.clearhq.org/page-1860571) or
PDF (http://clearweb.drivehq.com/podcast_transcripts